Sarah's new horny friend!!!
Sarah making her way up through the trees towards Brown Mountain Peak.
Me making my way up through the trees towards Brown Mountain Peak.
Art photo!!!
Outdoor Activity Instructor and Sports Coach. Climbing, Mountaineering, Kayaking and Multi Sport in the UK and Worldwide
Sarah's new horny friend!!!
Sarah making her way up through the trees towards Brown Mountain Peak.
Me making my way up through the trees towards Brown Mountain Peak.
Art photo!!!
Sarah making tracks towards Macmillan Peak.
Sarah descending the trees.Bridalveil Falls in all its Glory, with a guided party about half way up on the left.
Dave placing an ice screw on the lead in the South Park area.
Unknown climber on the mixed classic Tic-Tac in the Stonefree area of the Ouray Ice Park.
Oscar on Stone Free WI5.
Slackliner above the Stonefree area.
Sarah in the Hot tub after a hard day on ice!
Lastly, we wandered over to the Devil's Cellar which gave us the best climbing of the day. Sporting two very good pitches and very good ice, it gave a fitting finale to a great day out.
There were apparently over a dozen teams on the Idwal Stream today and i've had reports of lots of action happening on the South Wales ice too, with folks on the Torpantau Falls and RAC Corner.
Conditions look like they are set to stay with us for the forthcoming week, so happy climbing. However, my tools are packed and i'm heading for Ouray on Wednesday.